September 2011 DVD/BD Import Loot (Part 2)

And part 2 of my anime home video release imports for the month. There was going to be a lot more arriving but I’ve decided to hold back the shipping request, plus the Aussie dollar sliding down didn’t help matters.

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 Had pre-ordered this 1st volume from CDJapan way back in July since they were running a campaign where customers would receive a special Baka Test fan if any BD/DVD volumes of the series were purchased. The fan is actually scrunched up inside two small mini fans that has a button hold it all together.

 And yes, I double dipped on Working!! season 1 by buying the BD boxset release after having imported all 7 Japanese R2 LE DVD releases. Actually bought it from Mandarake for a total of 22,000 yen that includes EMS shipping. A little cheaper than Amazon Japan’s 27% discounted price of 24,638 yen which is as good as it is seeing how the Australian dollar has been sliding down against all the other currencies over the past few days.

 Just some rough art sketches from the guide book that were used for the LE DVD covers of the series.

 I think the artwork below is new? Won’t bother translating the comic next to it though, just Souta & Yamada talking about the blu-ray upgrade and their usual banter.

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