November 2011 DVD/BD Import Loot (Part 1)

And my latest anime DVD/BD imports were picked up this afternoon. They actually came in two separate shipments since the release dates for these were close to each other. I actually have a 3rd copy of the 2nd season of Carnival Phantasm from Toranoana that I’ve yet to request shipping for but I’ll probably do it sometime this week.


Pictures can be enlarged by right-clicking “View Image”

First up is volume 5 LE BD of Ano Hana, only got one more volume to go before this series is completed but there is also the special Ano Hana Festival LE BD that will be released next year that I’m interested in getting.

 Next, volume 2 LE BD of the 2nd season of Baka Test.

 Also got in the first LE BD volume of Working’!! (2nd season of Working!!) along with both the manufacturer’s & Animate’s store exclusive bonus items. (A3 clear poster, bookmark set and special coaster)

 The bookmark set is actually the 2nd manufacturer’s campaign where there are a set of 5 randomly allocated to the first volume LE BD. I ended up getting a pair that has two new characters that appears in the 2nd season of the anime, Mashiba Youhei (Kyoko’s personal gang member) and his twin sister Mashiba Mitsuki. I want to collect the rest but no doubt the other sets would be selling for extortionate prices on Yahoo Japan Auctions so that may be on the back-burner for now.

 Now finally for the big one. The 2nd season of Carnival Phantasm. I took quite a number of photos of the first press bonus reading book since it contains a whole lot of content that I think most would be interested in.

 The store exclusive bonus items from Sofmap and Animate. A pencil board from Sofmap and a clear mousepad from Animate. As I mentioned earlier, I’ve still yet to request shipping for my 3rd copy that I bought from Toranoana. Ended up buying 3 copies for seaosn 2 like I did for the first season. Not sure if this will happen again for the 3rd season though lol (that is unless there are also a number of store exclusive bonus items I really want to get).

Finally up to the bonus first press bonus reading book. There are 150 pages to this book that contains the character commentary to the anime and character design artworks. Took pictures of a few of them below. Some of them may not look like they’re rotated on the right side but if you open them in a new tab/browser then it will appear correctly.

 A few special illustration artworks promoting the anime.

 There’s also storyboards to selected episodes from both season 1 and 2.

 Towards the end of the book, there are two comic stories (in manga reading layout so you’d have to start from the back of the book). Only took one photo from each one as I might do another post with my translations on them as some of it is pretty funny. The photo below is a sample of the first story that has Kohaku and Akiha from Tsukihime doing a commentary on Carnival Phantasm. I’ll just say there’s discussions of Akiha’s boobs and possibility of Fate/EXTRA anime XD.

 Photo of the 2nd comic.

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One response to “November 2011 DVD/BD Import Loot (Part 1)

  1. Those are some righteous bonuses; makes me just want to splurge on the items and consider the actual shows as a secondary addition.:P

    Anyways, thanks for sharing!



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