Bubblegum Crisis Action Figure: Priss Asagiri (Atelier Sai)

Now this is something I haven’t bought in awhile, an anime figure! Having already got three out of the four Knight Sabers 1/15 Yamato action figures + motoslave a few years ago off Yahoo Japan Auctions, for a BARGAIN price of just 1,000 yen too (lol), the Atelier Sai action figures of the girls (released back in 2005) were something interested me for a few years but I never really bothered trying to acquire it…until now.

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Just like how I got three out of four girls from the Yamato line action figures for a bargain price, this one of Priss Asagiri was obtained on ebay from a random lot of figures a local seller was listing up for auction. Surprisingly even with the types of figures that were in the lot, which included some OOP figures from Cowboy Bebop & Tsukihime, I was the only the person who bidded on the auction and won the whole lot for just $20 XD. I found it funny since the Atelier Sai action figure of Priss alone was being listed on ebay for around $150, which is still a highly sought after item for a number of Bubblegum Crisis fans, and a few of the others from the lot were selling for around $50-$60 individually.

Since it was only the Priss action figure that got me interested in bidding on the auction, I intend to sell off the others. Have already acquired Nene’s version of the Atelier Sai action figure off Yahoo Japan Auctions (for just 3,000 yen) and will be getting her shipped in about a week or two. Now I feel like it’s my mission to get Linna & Sylia’s version of the figure too just to complete the set! XD. They’re not exactly high on my priority at the moment though. Anyway, time for photos of the box packaging and figure itself!

The back of the box.

All the extra accessories and alternate head for the figure.

Kinda surprising for me, but I found it pretty cool that taking out the contents of the box reveals a blue tinted background artwork of Mega-Tokyo from the anime.

And all the contents and accessories for the figure, including the base.

I was initially confused on how I would be able to make Priss stand up right on the base since there didn’t seem to be any accessory on supporting the posing of the figure and the two holes on the base couldn’t seem to support the heels from the hardsuit, but it took me a few minutes to register that the support poles and handles for the posing of the figure were tucked away at the bottom of the packaging.

Once the support poles were taken out from the packaging, I was clueless on what the hell I was supposed to with it or even how to start constructing it to fit the figure. Thankfully, a video below on youtube from The Figure Central reviewing the Atelier Sai action figure of Linna gave me an idea on how to start with it.

So after constructing the support poles, this is what I came up with for posing Priss.

Not very interesting as you can see lol, I tried to make it look like she was flying in the air and about to punch a boomer after changing her right hand to the one that was included in the accessories. I didn’t bother trying to change her left hand with the other accessories though like the knuckle bomb since it looked kinda complicated on attaching it to the figure.

I don’t know what I was thinking here with this pose lol, maybe Priss trying to get away from an explosion? (or a victory pose lol)

A closer look at the heels and legs of the hardsuit.

And here is a close up view of the base with the Knight Sabers inscription. Never mind the dust on it as my room gets dusty pretty quickly.

While taking photos of the pose I put Priss in, I noticed it was making the support poles lean forward a lot to the point of it almost overbalancing the figure. Since I don’t want them ended being warped or damaged from it, I changed the pose to this final one which utilizes one of the holes on the base on locking in the heels from the hardsuit and having Priss stabilised and standing more closer to the ground. I think this pose looks much better thanks to some slight twisting of the helmet and arms and I’ll probably keep the figure like this.

So that’s it for this post on Atelier Sai’s release of Priss Asagiri. When I get in Nene’s version, I will definitely make a post on her and hopefully get Linna & Sylia’s version someday just to complete the set.

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5 responses to “Bubblegum Crisis Action Figure: Priss Asagiri (Atelier Sai)

  1. I am very jealous! She is the last I am looking for, and I have been shopping for years! If I can ever find one, I will be done with collecting. I have Nene, Linna, and Sylia from this set, but have never been able to find Priss for anything less than an exorbitant price.
    If you ever want to consider selling, or ever see another one, please email me at bhhales_nospam@att.net (removing the _nospam, of course).


  2. Pingback: Bubblegum Crisis Full アトリエ彩 (Atelier-Sai) Action Figures Set | Walk Of Darkness·


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